Monday, December 7, 2009

Sat Chandi Mahayagya - Rikhia 2009

Pictures taken by Sumit Bajaj during Sat Chandi Mahayagya 2009 at Satyananda Aashram Rikhia.

in reference to:

"Rikhia 2009"
- Picasa Web Albums - Sam - Rikhia 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)

The passing of a great soul: Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati

The passing of a great soul: Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati

Published 7 December, 2009 

“Let the inner lamp grow brighter and brighter. Let the old leaves wither away. Lets the clouds subside. Let the great light prevail. Let the divine force rejoice in thee.”
~ Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati (Book of Rikhiapeeth 2009)

He took mahasamadhi on 5th December 2009, reportedly he was found in padmasana. According to reports, his last words to Swami Shivpur Saraswati were: “I see flowers from the cottage where I lie”.

Though I was never privileged to meet him, Swamiji (Paramahamsa Satyananda) has been a part of my life for many years.

He is my guru’s guru and as such I’ve heard innumerable tales of my guru’s time with him, and his photo is on my altar (along with my guru’s and also Swamiji‘s guru Swami Sivananda), as well as others around my house. I have many Bihar School of Yoga books by Swamiji and those of his disciples.
Swamiji was one of the greatest yogis of this era. But he was no “rock star” guru. Although he spent twenty or so years teaching in the West and established the Bihar School of Yoga, he was never in the game of becoming famous.

Instead, once he’d fulfilled his gurudakshina, he retired from public life to focus on his practice in private, for the benefit of all beings.

The stories of Swamiji’s early life are quite legendary – the sorts of things that cause skeptics to snort derisively. It is said that he had to learn to fully inhabit his physical form, unlike most humans who need to learn to work up from the densest tattwas. He spent his teen years learning Kundalini yoga and at age nineteen he met his guru, Swami Sivananda in 1943.

In 1973, Swamiji was recognised as an Adept/mahasiddha (God realized Yogi). Some people have reportedly seen evidence of this, including that of the ability to produce two physical bodies in different places at the same time. As well as touring and teaching in the West, Swamiji also established various charitable organisations including Sivananda Math in 1984.

His physical age at the time of his passing was 86 although once a being becomes a mahasiddha, it is said their birth is erased: never born, never died.

The most interesting experiences I’ve had with Swamiji have been while sitting at my altar, meditating… it’s a little hard to explain any further than that…

And of course, he was my guru’s guru. Although my guru is not a part of the BSY organisation, he benefitted directly via teachings from Swamiji as well as Swami Naranjananda. It is through those teachings that I have come to the path of the dharma.

So I have a great deal of gratitude and love for Swamiji.

Given my recent guest posts, I realised I was unclear that much of my last eight or so years studying yoga have not been strongly focused on asana. But more the other aspects of yoga – meditation and philosophy. We learned asana of course, but it was never the “main meal”, so to speak. It’s only been in the last couple of years that I decided to take a more serious interest in asana.

Despite Swamij’s lack of interest in fame, is surprising to me that so few westerners know who he was/is. That Yoga Nidra thing you might’ve heard about or even used yourself? You have Swamiji to thank for that. He ressurected it as a practice and as a result, it became well known. His book on Yoga Nidra is well worth reading if you get the chance.

Swamiji was and is a great master of yoga – a true and authentic being whose eyes always seem to overflow with love and compassion.

This video is a recording of Swamiji’s voice, singing the Shanti Path mantra.

May all beings dwell in happiness. May all beings dwell in peace. May all beings attain oneness. May all beings attain auspiciousness.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

It is said that when a mahasiddha takes a conscious passing, that he never really dies – make of that what you will…~Svasti

Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati Mahasamadhi

Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati Mahasamadhi

Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati
Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati

Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati took Mahasamadhi on December 5th, 2009 in Rikhia, India.  He was a great disciple of Swami Sivanananda of Rishikesh, a Guru to thousands and the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga among other prominent and beneficial institutions.

Paramahamsaji brought many practical and authentic Tantrik teachings to people around the world through his teaching centers and numerous books. Later in life, he performed an ancient, multi-year Tantrik fire ceremony – the panchagni. When he completed that arduous sadhana, he handed over the lineage to his successor, Paramahamsa Niranjanananda Saraswati.

Subsequently, Paramahamsaji embarked on a great expansion of the charitable works of the lineage. He became a more pronounced proponent of Bhakti, and undertook the economic and social upliftment of 50,000 villagers in and around Rikhia. Two recent movies have documented the annual Sat Chandi festival at Rikhia and the unique and thoughtful manner in which charitable works are carried out by the lineage.

Although I never met Paramahamsaji in person, his writings, especially his early books on the Guru-disciple relationship, shaped me profoundly. He also helped me at several crucial moments in my life through dreams and in other ways.

Now is a wonderful time to meditate on this great Guru, to offer your prayers for his future unfolding, and to open to the never-ending flow of Guru’s grace.

In Ma’s love,

  • Pramod Bhagat says:
    Hari Om,

    Saw the news after searching My Guru Ji few articles at internet and totally shocked.

    Guru Ji, is my Dada, Mom and Dad and everything and always with us in divine way to give us a strength and clear path to achieve and discover truth in life. Only my wet eyes and lots of past memories are the facts of these Parma divine soul feelings.

    Hari Om Tatsat!!

    God bless us (all devotees) at this hard time,
  • Hari Om
    Dear Shambhavi

    Thanks for your words of wisdom and kindness. Swamiji would not want us to dwell to much in the torrent of sadness (that hit me snyway) at this trime of his passing, but to rise above body consciousness where we can commune once again with our Guru.
    Thinking of the omnipresent transcendental being, may we unite.

  • Sevapuri Hurst says:
    Deeply touched by the news Swami Satyananda’s Mahasamadhi. My thoughts and prayers for his disciples through out the world
    Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi

  • Bhaktipoornananda says:
    Paramahamsa Niranjanananda (the successor to Paramahamsa Satyananda) has requested that we chant the mahamrityunjaya mantra for his transition.
  • Sivam says:
    This is sad for all those of us who never had the chance to meet Paramhansa Satyananda, a legendary yoga master and an incredible author of the best yoga and tantra books ever. He created the richest, most complete and thorough legacy of yoga in our modern era.
    At least this is how I got to know him as an authority of superb knowledge through his books.
    I have no doubts about his soul, he is smiling at us from the abode of Shiva.
    Hari Om
  • swami satyananda Saraswathi’s maha samadhi was broken by
    Swami Vajranapani saraswathi in the central station today by 3 pm. This has sent shock waves through the spine for an ardent devotee of him. Having had the privilege ,grace and rare honour to see and talk to him this is a huge loss. A loss to Rikia, a momenta l loss to the Bihar school of yoga.
    At this hour we just pray .
    with love and pranams to Guruji.

  • Narasimha says:
    Namo Narayan
    Paramahamsaji is in our heart and will it be for ever.

    “Let the inner lamp grow brighter and brighter.
    Let the old leaves wither away. Lets the clouds subside.
    Let the great light prevail. Let the devine force rejoice in thee.”
    Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati
    (Book of Rikhiapeeth 2009)

    Om Shanti
    Narasimha and Ananda Bihari
    from Germany

  • Sunil Kumar says:
    Namo Narayan
    Very shocking news for me
    My entire family used to visit yogashram since 1973
    particularly when he came to Rikhia
    I have never seen a spiritual person like him

  • Dyahana Ha says:
    Hari om!!!!
    Even though it may be sad for some of us!!!!! Is a blessing for Swami Ji!!!! he is now liberated and his mision is made!!! so many of us have been enlighted by his teachings and now he is free to help us and gide us from the other side, without the suffering implied in this word!!!! Is the reward for all this years of devotion for his work!!! is a time to celebrate the liberation, mahasamhadi of our guru!!!! blessing for him and all the ones who have been blessed by his teachings and work!!!!! We must enjoy his libaration!!!!! lots and lots of love and light to our guru and the whole world!!!

  • Shambhavi says:
    “I see flowers from the cottage where I lie”.
    – Paramahamsa Satyananda’s last words to Sn.Shivpuri

  • Manoj Kitta says:
    On 2 Dece. the final day of Yoga Poornima Celebration, Swamiji was with us, laughing, apreciating Bhratnatyam perfomance by Rikhia Kanyas… and this is what we hear today !!! Namo Naryan Swami ji you have touched millions of lives across the globe.
    Om.. Shanti..
  • Rob Burns USA says:
    I met Swamiji on his birthday, which happened to be Christmas Eve 2007. He said that when we leave the ashram, we will get on the train to Delhi…we will read books, eat food, brush our teeth, drink tea…but the whole purpose of being on the train is to get to Delhi…never forget you are on the train to Delhi.
    Hari Om Tat Sat
  • Nataraja says:
    Cada grano de tu sabiduria, Swamiji, es para nosotros un Universo se aprendizaje. Cada palabra cálida de tu voz, Paramahansaji, es para nosotros el Océano del amor. Cada amanecer es contigo un amanecer de mil soles, y cada noche en tu presencia, una noche de mil lunas. Y así será por siempre. Amado Swamiji.
    Hari Om Tat Sat
  • arvind shukla says:
    Hari hi Om !
    Namo Narayan !

    great soul, Swami ji has touched millions of lives, and would continue to influence all of us.
    Om shanti, shanti, shanti hi.
    Hari hi Om…
    Hari Om Tat Sat…
    Hari Om Swami ji….

  • Hari Om

    I got the news of Sri Swami Ji Mahasamadhai at 6 AM. As soon as i got the news all his meeting, satsang and innocent expression unconditional love for humanity and his teaching went through flash in my mind. Although Sri Swamiji is not there in physical body He is still there in his universal guru form free form all physical boundary and became our inspiration and light in spiritual path. Now there is no physical boundary and we can connect him through our heart eyes and we can communicate always anywhere because he became now sharvaVayapak. Now we should feel his omnipresence. He is always there with us we need to become good conductor of his ever flowing grace. Today in Bangalore Atmadarshan Yogashram all sadhak and devotee of Sri Swami Ji Chanted Mantras Bhajan and Kirtan Thourgh out his Bhumisamidhi time form 2 Pm to 6pm. Everybody offered Flower Deepa and there dedication to his eternal Guru Consciousness.

    On Guru Feet

    Hari Om Tat Sat

  • Nataraja says:
    Door of my Heart open wide I shall keep for Thee; Blessed Guru; Loved Swamiji; Love of our Loves. You have flown with the Autumn Winds and nevertheless, forever and ever you shall be here with us. Hari Om Tat Sat
  • Devdas (David Pinelli) says:
    Very dear Swamiji:
    Namo Narayan.
    Thanks for all You have given us. All around the world there are Your seeds, in the millions.
    Thanks for Your hospitality, Your benevolence, Your Grace, Your Blessing.
    Namo Narayan

  • titiksha says:
    Namo Narajan Beloved Swamiji
    Thank you for Your Grace.
    You live in us forever.
    Hari Om
  • Chandru Nebhwani says:
    It is a great loss for our family…
    We were with Swamiji on His birthday last week..
    But we know that SWAMIJI will always be with us in our hearts because HE is omnipresent..
    Thank you SWAMIJI for taking care of us always…
    Namo Narayan
    Chandru – Usha and Pari, Vishal

  • Premratna says:
    Namo narayan swamiji and smooth transition.
    Hari Om.

  • Shoba Hari says:
    The flower has detached
    To merger with the Absolute
    The fragrance will continue to grace
    All seekers of the Truth

  • Shambhavi says:
    From Paramahamsaji
    Let me decorate many hearts and paint a thousand faces with colors of inspiration and soft, silent sounds of value.
    Let me be like a child, run barefoot through the forest of laughing and crying people, Giving flowers of imagination and wonder,that God gives free.
    Shall I fall on bended knees ,and wait for some one to bless me with a happiness and a life of golden dreams?
    No. I shall run into the desert of life with my arms open, sometimes falling, sometimes stumbling,But always picking myself up, a thousand times if necessary,sometimes happy.
    Often life will burn me, often life will caress me tenderly and many of my days will be haunted With complications and obstacles ,and there will be moments so beautiful lThat my soul will weep in ecstasy.
    I shall be a witness,but never shall I run or turn from life, from me -
    Swami Satyananda Saraswati
  • amitabha guha says:
    i have been visiting the rikhia ashram for the last 2 years. Have been lucky to get swamiji’s darshan (from a distance) on all my visits. the very fact that he was in the same ashram where i was, was enough to elevate my mind.
  • Agyna says:
    Hari Om Tat Sat !!!
    Pash… In Lak’eh…!!!
    Pash… A Lak’en…!!!
    Namaste !!
    Thank you for all, Gracias por todo.

  • Yogasagar says:
    I have been away in a remote part of South Africa. You awoke me at 5:30 am Sunday with a vision and the mantra Satyam Shivam Sundar Ram. I sat for sadhana with my 9 month daughter Anjani and her mother at 6:15 and spontaneously we began to chant Maha Mrityum Jaya. In ann instant you were with me again in vision with the Mantra Satyam Shivam Sundar Ram. Todasy I have returned to find that you have taken Maha Samadhi. My life has been blessed only because of your prescence in my life. Recently you have bestowed the most precious gift of all the prasad of unconditional love with my daughter and in your last moments you have again blessed me with your inner vision. I have loved only because of you. Thank you my divine guru thank you for always accepting me and showering me with your love and bblessings regardless of my weakness or strength. Om Namo Narayan Om Tat Sat
  • Hari Roopa says:
    May we all bear the loss with forebearance and dignity and wish to Paramhamsaji to be happy, free at last from the limitations of the physical body. May we keep up with our faith, continue our lives in the way He taught us, and keep Him always in our Hearts, nearer to us than our breaths.
    Hari Roopa
  • Swami Suryadevananda Saraswati says:
    Sri Bhagavan Paramahamsa Satyananda was certainly a great Exponent of the Yogic System. A true and Dedicated enbodyment of Sannyas Life and Dedicated Disciple of his Guru, Paramguru Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Rishikesh. Swamiji was Tantric Guru to Many Hundreds of Ordinary everyday people many who were confused with this life we have and through his unique methods was able to give them steadiness and inner stillness and harmony,and knowledge of the Light of Atman. He was a great teacher of Karma Yoga which was the main thrust of his essential teaching. He said in his many Satsangs that the Awakening of Intuition was essential, and Yoga was only known by this method. He had a great sense of humour and would always approach the subject matter with a light heart. He said that the most important thing to remember was to live our lives like children. He taught expansion of the garden of the mind rather that the narrow viewpoints. His energy was sublime and expanded to all of his Diciples. He taught non attachment to form. It is a great loss to the World to lose this Remarkable Spirit but he has left us a great legacy, a practical way to live in a very diverse and troubled world and still maintain equanimity. Swami Chandrajyoti and I wish him all the best for his transition. Bless you Paramahamsaji and Hari Om tat sat.
  • kunjal mehta says:
    Namo Narayan swamiji
    Thank you for yr grace
    u have touched n enlighted our life n given us best techniques to lead a successful life .u always remain in our heart .

  • Devinder says:
    Namo Narayan,
    I feel really blessed to have seen Swamiji and have received his blessings at this year’s Sat Chandi Yagya. It may have been the first time I met him during this life time, but I know it is not the last, he will continue to guide me and millions of others who call upon him.
  • Ramleela says:
    I never met you yet I feel so close
    You are in my heart and in my soul
    I will treasure your teachings
    You touched me with your grace
    I thank you for you blessing
    Hari Om Tat Sat

  • Yogamudranananda says:
    Hari Om Tat Sat Swamiji
    Encore merci pour tout

  • R.P./Pratik Shrivastava says:
    Namo Narayana
    With a heavy heart our family, in which your are an integral part all these years, we pray that your blessing and teachings continue to illuminate our lives forever. The lessons you taught us since 1969 we try praticing even today.
    We are shocked and in grief.
    Om tat sat!

  • Sn.Shivpuri says:
    Namo Narayan,
    All Brothers and sisters,all devotees you must have heard the story of The Elephant and the Boy who asked Paramhamsa Swamiji for giving him enlightenment immediately or he will Run away from the Ashram…That’s this small disciple of his quoting again ‘where is the enlightenment’..but now I see what he meant.
    We don’t have to go any distance it’s within you…

  • Alka Kapur says:
    Swamiji was the primary inspiration and guidance in the spiritual search for me and countless others – in my own family and in the large family of devotees around the world. His words and spirit will live on forever, in our hearts, and as we continue to practice the simple and profound lessons he left with us. His body may be gone, in a journey guided by the divine, but he will live on forever. He made the practices of yoga available to all, with the insights and changes which help us every day.
  • prem says:
    thankyou swami satyananda for your love light and being shining meaning and purpose for so many of us whom were lost and in the dark till finding yoga. your design of yoga nidra is powerful and a universal blessing you have left for humanity.

  • jn Devsaran says:
    Hari Om
    namo bhagavate sivanandaya
    namo bhagavate satyanandaya

    O our spiritual grandfather…i have your holy darshan on 6th march 2008(mahashivratri).At last night i was mentally mediationg your i recieved the most shocking news,u left the mortl coil and merged in absolute…
    o lord…bles your kind garce to lead the path shown by thee..
    jigyashu devsaran
  • sanyasi chinmayamurthy says:
    on 5th of december 2009 full day i felt uneasy only four points were shuffling, reshuffling all the day in my mind, unless I wrote them down and promised to fallow; probably these were from my Master, who afterwards went in Mahasamadhi. And my assurance still is there and I will be doing it Pujya swamiji.
    आज विचार आ रहा है की कुछ … तो ऐसा है कि याद रखना
    १. किसी कि निंदा मत करना
    २. किसी को सलाह मत देना
    ३. ऐसा कभी मत बलोना कि सामने वाले को सुनकर दुःख हो.
    ४. ऐसा कुछ मत कहना जिससे कि तुम्हारी बड़ाई लग रही हो
    और ७ दिन प्रक्टिस करके मुझे संपर्क करना, अभी नहीं होता तो जभी भी ७ दिन
    लगातार करते हो तो बताना !! बताना जरूर मै इंतजार करूंगा !!

  • Jnanabindu says:
    Namo Narayan Swamiji.
    We are blessed to be your disciples, and our existence is all due to your Aashirwad. Thanks for everything. Though we should not be sad, we are. May you keep guiding and blessing us and all humankind as always.
    Hari Om.
  • In1984 I got opportunity to meet Swamiji at Mumbai (mulund) and got mantra Swamiji’s sweet tone narrating yoganidra still recites in the mind. My wife had a miraculous healing experience when we attended Sitakalyanam three years back. His remembrance is our strength. Our institute Yogavidyadham Nashik (M.S) also experiences his existence HARIOM.
  • Nithila P. Peter says:
    How many ever times I repeat it these last few days will not be enough – “he lived a monumental life, and the gratitude I feel drowns me in overwhelming waves of feeling”. The life force of Paramahamsa Satyananda, intense, immense and extraordinary in accomplishment – yet so simple and natural in expression. Disarmingly easy to understand, yet almost impossible to imitate.
    A being who is living testament to the mystery of the sacred chants, the divine seed realized – Jai Ho Swamiji…. Jai Ho…
    Hari Om Tat Sat….
  • Sannyasi Prema Saraswati says:
    Sri Paramahamsa Satyananda said:
    “Bhakti is the path, God is the destiny and you and I are the travellers. This is the only truth. We are born with only one destiny. Man is an experiment and the outcome of that experiment is the experience of God” ( Yoga Mag, Jan-Feb 2003)
    Thank you Paramahamsaji for feeling you in me.
    Namo Narayan
  • Sanjay Mahajan says:
    We work very hard to make Shri Gurugita DVD and CD I sent invitation to Swamiji for world premier dvd release Dec 4TH 2009 He said “I am going to be with you.” When I was singing I knew He was there with me. I saw Him standing just infront of me, I know He was waiting for this big moment of my life.
    I know He will keep protacting us, guiding us, helpinging us,
    OM Gurudev! Last month I made 4 DVD’s in Swamiji’s voice.
    Great Guru, Great Master, I am not sad because I know He is still with me! and I love Him today and every day of my life! Jai Gurudev.

  • Dharma Roopa says:
    Saludo desde Bogotá – Colombia a todos los Swamis, Alumnos demás personas relacionadas a la vida y obra de Paramahansa Satyananda Saraswati.
    Compartiendo sinceramente el pesar por su partida.
    Om Tat Sat

  • Luca Daghino says:
    Grazie di tutto Satyananda!
    Tanto lo so che sei ancora qui con noi…
    Ti voglio bene! :)
    Hari Om

  • Bhaktanon says:
    Like the great Rishis of old, Swamiji has set the example on how to depart this transitory physical layer of manifestation.
    Thank you for this, along with all your previously expressed wisdom and kindness, Swamiji.
    Hari Om Tat Sat,
    Jonathan Starr
    Maui, Hawaii